Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Catching Up.

Since I've been such a bad blogger because I have been so busy with work, I'm going to just post some pictures with comments!

The weekend after Michael Ann's wedding was Gold Rush in Dahlonega, it was the first time I had been back since I've moved to South Carolina, it was SO fun!

Kelly, Amber, Haley, Maureen and me Friday night!
Best friends reunited (minus Ginna and Jordan)!
Me and Kelsey (my little) at Phi Mu Alumni Luncheon!
Kelly, Me, and Haley at Phi Mu Alumni Luncheon.

We went to Montaluce for lunch!
Such a fun lunch with the girls at the winery I used to work out!
Best friends minus Jordan :(
Maureen, Me, Kelly, Haley, Ginna, and Amber! 

Sara Kate, Me, and Audrey!
Collage of pretty sights on the drive home from a fun weekend in Dahlonega!
Random pictures!
Pumpkin decorations around the house!
Randy sent me the Mickey and Minnie pumpkins! 

Cute cupcake one of the girls at work made for Halloween!

I bought a groupon for hot yoga...it was AMAZING and I loved it!
This was the sunrise one morning after yoga class!
Sarah and I went to stay with Ginna in Athens for the Georgia vs. Ole Miss game! Sarah got to meet lots of my friends! We got to see Onward Reserve VIP style after hours because it is the store that Ginna and Jordan work at! Check out their website, they've got some great stuff! http://onwardreserve.com/

Me and Jordan!

Me and Sarah!

Me and Sarah with the Fuller girls, Michelle and Carolyn.

Me and Regan! LOVED seeing you and our photo shoot!

The Nuggets.
Moss, Me, Sarah, and Matt.
Me and Miss Jessica Cook! My fave!
More random pictures!

Sarah's parent's front door! Love all the pumpkins!

My dinner for the election night..pizza and PBR. America!
I went to the Clemson vs. Maryland game with Kimberly! Clemson games are so much fun, I'm so lucky I've gotten to go to so many, because spur of the moment, I was able to go to the Clemson vs. North Carolina State game as well!

Kimberly, Ray, and Me!
No matter where it is, I will run into Ray or his parents if they are there!

Kimberly and me in my free hat..haha

Me, Mrs. Mistarz, and Kimberly

Clemson sunset.
I cooked hamburger pie! Yummy!
My mom and dad came up last Sunday (the 18th) for mom's birthday that was last week (the 13th). We went to High Cotton for lunch and then the Greenville Zoo because they have a new baby giraffe. They baby giraffe was really lame and stayed in the corner the entire time, but it was still a really neat zoo!
Below are some pictures that daddy sent me. My phone was about to die, so I had a select few to choose from, but we all know Porky is a fabulous photographer!
Elephant eating lettuce. I think he needs a bath!
Sweet and innocent.
Not so sweet!

The momma giraffe.
My daddy took one of the "animal food" wafers, threw it like a frisbee, and nailed to giraffe in the face. Don't worry, the giraffe ate it, so no hard feelings!

My awkward only child picture as always. Gotta love 'em!
Now you should be caught up with my life these last few weeks! Hopefully I'll be a better blogger again once work slows down some!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy One Month MAC and Christian.

I think where I left off, was my cousin Michael Ann's wedding weekend...so I have appropriately done this post a month after her wedding, so HAPPY ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY MICHAEL ANN AND CHRISTIAN!! I was honored to be a maid of honor on her special day! Everything was beautiful and perfect! The wedding was a Heaven's Landing in Clayton, GA, it was a beautiful location for an outside wedding on a lovely autumn day!

Michael Ann and the Bridesmaids!

SO COOL! At the end of the ceremony, Christian planned for a plane to fly over, it was awesome and a little scary standing that close to it! 

They did the traditional "Mexican Money Dance" where you pin money onto to couple and then you get to dance with them...they use the money on the honeymoon!

The whole gang on the dance floor right before the send off!

 These are some of my pictures throughout the series of wedding events!
I don't have many pictures of the wedding because I didn't have my phone on me and my mom has the pictures on our camera!

Michael Ann and me at the English Tea Party!

Michael Ann and me at the Outdoor Couples Party.

Pretty arrangements my momma and Mimi did at the entrance of Heaven's Landing!

Their "guestbook!"

The Mariachi Band at the Rehearsal Dinner at Luna's in Gainesville, SO fun!

The cross I painted for Michael Ann's wedding present!

Michael Ann's childhood American Girl doll that her mom had dressed up as a bride at her parent's house, so sweet!

A collage of the left over flowers from the wedding! My mom and Mimi did all the flowers and they were BEAUTIFUL!


To see more pictures, check out the photographers blog: http://winshipstudios.blogspot.com/


my uncle Jim's website: http://www.jimloring.com/,
click "general," then type in the password cmawedding

ANDDDD...a shout out to the best mother in the world...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA! Hope it's been a great one! Love you!
